- 기타
JavaScript 설정이 무효입니다. 서비스 기능이 제한되어 있거나, 이용하지 못하는 서비스가 있습니다.JavaScript를 유효로 설정하고 이용해 주세요.
Will my access information be kept secret?
In order to protect user's privacy, we're not disclosing remote host address for each post.
Such website access information is managed within the system and we may disclose it to a legal agency
only when a specific official agency requests us its disclosure.
In addition, we may immediately disclose such information to police, consumer affair,
and other official agencies for malicious contents whether we receive disclosure requests or not.
Please understand that we hold such information within the system although it is not published.
(Access can be analyzed even when you access through proxy.)